Draft Taxation Ruling 2022/D1: Do people still listen to disco music?

Draft Taxation Ruling 2022/D1: Do people still listen to disco music?

After our semi-serious opening statement on the Australian Taxation Office’s (ATO) recently released guidance on section 100A and unpaid present entitlements, this is one of a series of deep-dive articles on that guidance. These articles look at each of the ATO guidance products separately and then we discuss what the overall impact may be.

Sladen Snippet - ATO draft guidance on deductibility of expenses in establishing employee share schemes

Sladen Snippet - ATO draft guidance on deductibility of expenses in establishing employee share schemes

Amongst all the furore about the Australian Taxation Office’s (ATO) draft guidance on section 100A, on 23 February 2022, the ATO also issued draft guidance on determining when expenses incurred in establishing and administering an employee share scheme (ESS) are deductible.

A Guide To Understanding Land Tax: Part 1 Overview of Land Tax

A Guide To Understanding Land Tax: Part 1 Overview of Land Tax

What is land tax

Land tax is a state and territory tax. It is an annual tax that is levied by the state authorities of each state and territory based on the total taxable value of land held in the particular jurisdiction.

Draft ATO guidance on 100A and UPEs: is everything awesome?

Draft ATO guidance on 100A and UPEs: is everything awesome?

After six years the ATO has released draft guidance on section 100A. Keeping with the draft theme, the ATO also released (updated) draft views on when an unpaid present entitlement held on sub-trust becomes financial accommodation for purposes of Division 7A.

VCAT finds the sub-sale double duty provisions are triggered due to land development

VCAT finds the sub-sale double duty provisions are triggered due to land development

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal’s (VCAT) decision in Hartman v Commissioner of State Revenue (Review and Regulation) [2022] VCAT 28 (Hartman Case) is a rare decision on the application of the sub-sale “double duty” provisions in the Duties Act 2000 (Vic) (Act).

A Guide To Understanding Land Tax: Part 2 Land held on Trust

A Guide To Understanding Land Tax: Part 2 Land held on Trust

What is land tax

Land tax is a state and territory tax. It is an annual tax that is levied by the state authorities of each state and territory based on the total taxable value of land held in the particular jurisdiction.

Sladen Snippet - ATO decision impact statement on Addy ‘backpacker tax’ case

Sladen Snippet - ATO decision impact statement on Addy ‘backpacker tax’ case

We have previously discussed Addy v FCT [2021] HCA 34 here. In this case, the High Court unanimously allowed Ms Addy’s appeal and found that a UK working holiday visa holder, who was a tax resident of Australia, was entitled to the tax-free threshold and taxation at the rate that applied to Australian resident nationals.

Sladen Snippet – Mental Health and Wellbeing surcharge on businesses with more than $10 million wages

Sladen Snippet – Mental Health and Wellbeing surcharge on businesses with more than $10 million wages

The Mental Health and Wellbeing surcharge will commence from 1 January 2022 and is payable on Victorian taxable wages paid or payable from 1 January 2022 by an employer or a group of employers.

A Guide To Understanding Land Tax: Part 4 Aggregation, Grouping and “Degrouping”

A Guide To Understanding Land Tax: Part 4 Aggregation, Grouping and “Degrouping”

As discussed in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, land tax is levied on the total taxable value of land held by a taxpayer in a particular jurisdiction. Land tax is then levied on a progressive graduated scale. That is, the higher the value of land that you own the higher the rate of land tax you pay.

A Guide to Understanding Land Tax: Part 5 Valuations

A Guide to Understanding Land Tax: Part 5 Valuations

As discussed in this Land Tax Series, land tax is a state and territory tax levied on the total taxable value of land held by taxpayers in particular jurisdictions. Land tax is assessed on a calendar year basis on the land you own at midnight on 31 December.

A guide to understanding Land Tax Part 6: Principal place of residence exemption

A guide to understanding Land Tax Part 6: Principal place of residence exemption

In this Part 6 in our series of articles on land tax we examine the principal place of residence (PPR) exemption and the requirements to satisfy the exemption under the Land Tax Act 2005 (Vic) (LTA).

Sladen Snippet – TD 2021/D5 genuine disposal restrictions in employee share schemes

Sladen Snippet – TD 2021/D5 genuine disposal restrictions in employee share schemes

Whether an employee has genuine restrictions on disposing of an option/right or share issued under an employee share scheme (ESS) can determine whether tax can be deferred, and until when, under the ESS.

Windfall Gains Tax - legislation released – certain concessions granted

Windfall Gains Tax - legislation released – certain concessions granted

In line with the 2021/22 Victorian Budget announcements and following targeted consultations with various stakeholders, the Victorian Government has recently tabled a Bill to introduce the windfall gains tax - Windfall Gains Tax and State Taxation and Other Acts Further Amendment Bill 2021 (Bill).

Legal Professional Privilege in the spotlight

Legal Professional Privilege in the spotlight

Legal professional privilege (LPP) has once again become a topic of significant interest following the recent Full Federal Court decision of CUB Australia Holding Pty Ltd v FCT [2021] FCAFC 171 (CUB Decision) and the release of the draft LPP protocol from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).