Sladen Snippet – ATO to seek special leave to appeal to the High Court in Harding
We previously reported here in relation to the Full Federal Court decision in the residency case of Harding v COT [2019] FCAFC 29 (Harding) which found in favour of Mr Harding, reversing the Federal Court’s decision at first instance.
Draft Tax Determination highlights the risks of back-to-back CGT Roll-overs.
We have previously written on the ATO releasing guidance on demergers and back-to-back CGT roll-overs. The ATO recently released Draft Taxation Determination TD 2019/D1 concerning demergers although the ATO’s draft views may be illustrative of the Commissioner’s views in the context of back-to-back CGT rollovers.
Sladen Legal trio voted among Australia’s Best Lawyers
Sladen Legal’s Daniel Smedley, Neil Brydges and Phil Broderick have received recognition in the 12th Edition of The Best Lawyers in Australia. The list of impressive legal professionals was announced in the Australian Financial Review on 22 March 2019.
Sladen Snippet - Tax audits on rental properties
Land Tax Assessment higher than expected? You are not alone
Sladen Snippet – Home is where you hang your hat: taxpayer success in Harding appeal
If you don’t ask, you’ll never know: Pedley and allocation of payments made to the ATO
In Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v Pedley (No 2) (2018) FCA 2015 (Pedley), the Federal Court confirmed the wide discretion available to the Australian Taxation Office’s (ATO) to allocate payments made to it for tax debts especially where the taxpayer has not provided explicit direction as to what payments should be applied to which debts.
Sladen Snippet - Active Asset Test – land used for storage: Eichmann v Commissioner of Taxation [2019] AATA 162
Sladen Snippet - ATO changes it view on what is love and affection
‘What is mine is yours: Tomaras and the substitution of tax debtors’
The High Court in Commissioner of Taxation v Tomaras & Ors (2018) HCA 62 (Tomaras) has confirmed the Federal Circuit Court had jurisdiction to make orders altering the property interests of parties to a marriage substituting one party for the other party as sole debtor to the Commissioner of Taxation (Commissioner) in respect of income tax liabilities owed by the first party.
Sladen Snippet - Tribunal determines that transfer of land between SMSFs does not trigger duty
In a recent case of Nifuno Pty Ltd atf Stephen Forbes Pension Fund v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue [2019] NSWCATOD 3, the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) considered the application of an available duty concession for the transfer of property in connection with persons changing superannuation funds, including self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs).
Preliminary ATO views on trust splitting
Trustee duties in the time of bitcoin
Trusts and two-tiered company tax rates
Payroll tax cuts in regional Victoria
Thousands of businesses across regional Victoria have already taken advantage of the Victorian Government’s regional payroll tax cuts, which have saved businesses more than $31 million in the first financial year it was introduced.
Burton: when is relief from international double tax available?
On 27 November 2018, McKerracher J of the Federal Court handed down his decision in Burton v CoT (2018) FCA 1857 (Burton).
Satyam Computer - Double Tax Agreements: a sword not a shield
On 11 October 2018, the Full Federal Court in Satyam Computer Services Limited v CoT (2018) held the ‘source’ rule in Article 23 of the Australia–India Double Taxation Agreement (Indian DTA) prevailed over the domestic definition such that payments from Australia to a company in India for work performed in India was taxable in Australia.
Sladen Snippet - CGT rollover denied to sale of shares
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) has recently held in Ransley v Federal Commissioner of Taxation that the profits derived by an individual taxpayer on the sale and exchange of shares were on revenue account. As a result, the taxpayer was not eligible for the capital gains tax rollover under Subdivision 124-M of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
Sladen Snippet – Sladen Legal, Daniel Smedley and Rob Jeremiah Recognised as Leaders in Tax
Sladen Legal has been recognised as a Recommended Tax Law Firm (Victoria) in the recently released Doyles Guide Tax Law Rankings.