Sladen Snippet – ATO releases further determination on the application of NALI to non-commercial related party LRBA loans

Sladen Snippet – ATO releases further determination on the application of NALI to non-commercial related party LRBA loans

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has released Taxation Determination TD 2016/16 which provides further guidance on its view as to the application of the non-arm’s length income (NALI) rules to the non-commercial limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA) loans from related parties to the trustees of self managed superannuation funds (SMSF). 

Complex estate planning in a complex world.

Complex estate planning in a complex world.

On 6 September, 2016 Sladen Legal delivered an event titled Complex estate planning in a complex world.

In it the following issues were examined:

Sladen Snippet – Court confirms judicial advice not always needed for SMSFs

Sladen Snippet – Court confirms judicial advice not always needed for SMSFs

The Supreme Court of New South Wales, in the decision of Bideena Pty Ltd as trustee for the Bideena Pty Ltd Superannuation Fund, has confirmed that the trustee of a SMSF does not always require judicial advice as to whether the trustee will have a right to indemnify itself out of the SMSF assets for legal costs in pursuing litigation.

Sladen Snippet – SMSFs cannot qualify as a QROPS if they have members aged less than 55

Sladen Snippet – SMSFs cannot qualify as a QROPS if they have members aged less than 55

Recent correspondence from the United Kingdom’s revenue authority (HMRC) has confirmed that the HMRC will not register a self managed superannuation fund (SMSF) as a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS) unless the SMSF trust deed limits the membership to persons who are aged 55+.

Sladen Snippet – when does a de facto relationship end for superannuation death benefit purposes?

Sladen Snippet – when does a de facto relationship end for superannuation death benefit purposes?

The recent Federal Court decision of Ievers v Superannuation Complaints Tribunal considered the question of whether a de facto relationship had ended for the purpose of determining who should receive a super death benefit.

Sladen Snippet - super funds can now qualify for the primary production land tax exemption (s 67 Land Tax Act)

Sladen Snippet -  super funds can now qualify for the primary production land tax exemption (s 67 Land Tax Act)

In in an unheralded move, the Victorian government has extended the land tax exemption for primary production land in an urban zone (contained in section 67 of the Land Tax Act 2005) to include land owned by a trustee of a super fund of which all the members or beneficiaries are relatives and at least one of those members or beneficiaries is normally engaged in a substantially full-time capacity in the business of primary production of the type carried on on the land.

Sladen Snippet – Date to fix up non-commercial LRBA loans extended to 31 January 2017

Sladen Snippet – Date to fix up non-commercial LRBA loans extended to 31 January 2017

In an update on our previous Sladen Snippets (see here and here), the ATO has announced that the date for rectifying non-commercial related party limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA) loans made to SMSF trustees has been extended from 30 June 2016 to 31 January 2017. 

Sladen Snippet – super changes in the 2016 Budget

Sladen Snippet – super changes in the 2016 Budget

It’s hard to know what to do with a budget handed down by a Government that will not have enough time to pass any measures before it goes into an election. Do you follow the current laws or the laws as they are proposed to be changed in the future (if the Government is re-elected and if it can pass the measures in the newly constituted parliament)? That is the situation we currently find ourselves in with the proposed super changes and in particular the lifetime non-concessional contributions cap.