Sladen snippet – does your discretionary trust hold residential land in NSW? If so, you may need to amend its deed by 31 December 2019

Sladen snippet – does your discretionary trust hold residential land in NSW? If so, you may need to amend its deed by 31 December 2019

As outlined in our previous article, under the proposed changes to New South Wales land tax and duty legislation, a trustee of a discretionary trust (including testamentary trusts) will be deemed to be a “foreign trust” if the terms of the trust do not prevent a foreign person from being a beneficiary of the discretionary trust. Importantly, these changes are proposed to have retrospective effect to the 2017, 2018 and 2019 land tax years and can catch dutiable transactions back to 21 June 2016.

Sladen Snippet – Full Federal Court Affirms No CGT Discount on Share Disposal

Sladen Snippet – Full Federal Court Affirms No CGT Discount on Share Disposal

The Full Federal Court in Hart v FCT affirmed the Federal Court’s decision in Paule v FCT that the capital gains tax (CGT) discount did not apply to the sale of shares owned by a trust.

Sladen Snippet - Further ATO Guidance on what is love and affection

Sladen Snippet - Further ATO Guidance on what is love and affection

On 6 February 2019, and as previously reported here, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) withdrew its longstanding public guidance that a company could forgive a debt for “natural love and affection” under the exception in the commercial debt forgiveness rules (CDF Rules) in Division 245. At that time, the ATO said it is developing guidance on the issue.

Bernie O’Sullivan Lawyers to join Sladen Legal

Bernie O’Sullivan Lawyers to join Sladen Legal

We’re delighted to announce that Bernie O’Sullivan Lawyers will be joining Sladen Legal, effective 1 October 2019. Coming together under the Sladen Legal brand this development will add depth and expertise to our already impressive team of Estate Planning, Tax, Business, Superannuation, Trusts and Dispute Resolution lawyers.

Sladen Snippet - Victorian Budget 2019/20 – Royal Assent is received

Sladen Snippet - Victorian Budget 2019/20 – Royal Assent is received

The State Taxation Acts Amendment Bill 2019 (Vic) has received royal assent on 18 June 2019. Following this, the measures outlined below will take effect from 19 June 2019

Sladen Snippet - Victorian Budget 2019/20 – Corporate reconstructions and consolidations are no longer fully exempt and instead will receive a duty concession

Sladen Snippet - Victorian Budget 2019/20 – Corporate reconstructions and consolidations are no longer fully exempt and instead will receive a duty concession

As set out in the recent controversial Victorian Budget article, the State Taxation Acts Amendment Bill 2019 (Vic) contains amendments to the corporate reconstruction exemption.

Sladen Snippet - Victorian Budget 2019/20 – Increase of foreign duty and land tax surcharges

Sladen Snippet - Victorian Budget 2019/20 – Increase of foreign duty and land tax surcharges

As set out in the recent controversial Victorian Budget, the State Taxation Acts Amendment Bill 2019 (Vic) contains amendments directly impacting any foreign persons or entities holding Victorian properties.

Sladen Snippet - trustee obligations on the ATO radar

Sladen Snippet - trustee obligations on the ATO radar

As we approach 30 June, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) announced that it is reviewing adherence to trustee obligations including the lodgment of tax file number (TFN) reports for TFN withholding for closely held trusts.

Sladen Snippet: ATO to begin data matching program on cryptocurrency holdings

Sladen Snippet: ATO to begin data matching program on cryptocurrency holdings

The Federal Commissioner of Taxation (Commissioner) has given notice that the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will commence a data matching program on cryptocurrency.

Sladen Snippet – ATO to seek special leave to appeal to the High Court in Harding

Sladen Snippet – ATO to seek special leave to appeal to the High Court in Harding

We previously reported here in relation to the Full Federal Court decision in the residency case of Harding v COT [2019] FCAFC 29 (Harding) which found in favour of Mr Harding, reversing the Federal Court’s decision at first instance.

Sladen Legal trio voted among Australia’s Best Lawyers

Sladen Legal trio voted among Australia’s Best Lawyers

Sladen Legal’s Daniel Smedley, Neil Brydges and Phil Broderick have received recognition in the 12th Edition of The Best Lawyers in Australia. The list of impressive legal professionals was announced in the Australian Financial Review on 22 March 2019.