A guide to understanding Land Tax Part 8: Charities, sporting clubs, not for profits and other exemptions

A guide to understanding Land Tax Part 8: Charities, sporting clubs, not for profits and other exemptions

In this Part 8 in our series of articles on land tax we examine the charities exemption as well as some other exemptions under the Land Tax Act 2005 (Vic) (LTA).

A Guide to Understanding Land Tax: Part 9 – Objections

A Guide to Understanding Land Tax: Part 9 – Objections

To recap: land tax is a state and territory tax levied on the total taxable value of land held by taxpayers in particular jurisdictions. Land tax is assessed on a calendar year basis on the land you own at midnight on 31 December.

Employee Share Schemes – another report champions essential reform!

Employee Share Schemes – another report champions essential reform!

The legislative and regulatory complexity of Employee Share Schemes has once again inspired recommended reforms, this time by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue, in a recent report.

Penalty relief for employer super guarantee mistakes in the stapled default super fund regime

Penalty relief for employer super guarantee mistakes in the stapled default super fund regime

As part of the broader ‘Your Future, Your Super’ reforms, the concept of default ‘stapled super funds’ for employees will take effect from 1 November 2021. Where employees start work on or after 1 November 2021, and do not choose a super fund, most employers will have to check with the ATO if their employee has an account with an existing super fund, known as a ‘stapled super fund’, to pay the employee’s super guarantee into.

Managing rental properties found to be a business (and business real property?)

Managing rental properties found to be a business (and business real property?)

In the recent decision of Allen and Commissioner of Taxation (Taxation) [2021] AATA 2768 (6 August 2021), the Australian Administrative Tribunal (the Tribunal) overturned a private ruling of the Commissioner of Taxation (Commissioner) and found that an individual taxpayer was personally carrying on a business of managing rental properties.

Advanced Holdings – Full Federal Court reiterates to read the trust deed!

Advanced Holdings – Full Federal Court reiterates to read the trust deed!

The Full Federal Court decision in Advanced Holdings Pty Limited as Trustee for The Demian Trust v FCT [2021] FCAFC 135 highlights important principles of trust deed interpretation and the limitations of statutory provisions concerning the evidentiary force of company records.

It also serves as a “sobering bookkeeping reminder” to directors of small companies and corporate trustees to keep good records, and as always, read the trust deed!

ATO to apply a more lenient approach to SG penalties

ATO to apply a more lenient approach to SG penalties

The super guarantee (SG) amnesty ended on 7 September 2020. The SG amnesty allowed employers to disclose and pay previously unpaid SG charge, including nominal interest, for the quarters between 1 July 1992 to 31 March 2018 without incurring the administration component or Part 7 penalties. In addition, payments of SG charge made to the ATO under the amnesty were tax deductible to the employer.

FCT v Ross Part 3: the onus of proof of disproving a default assessment

FCT v Ross Part 3: the onus of proof of disproving a default assessment

The Federal Court case of FCT v Ross [2021] FCA 766 concerned several aspects of taxation administrative law. This is the third article in a series on issues in FCT v Ross and discusses the onus of proof of disproving a default assessment.

FCT v Ross Part 2: death not a factor to remit penalties

FCT v Ross Part 2: death not a factor to remit penalties

The Federal Court case of FCT v Ross [2021] FCA 766 concerned several aspects of taxation administrative law. This is the second article in a series on issues in FCT v Ross and discusses death not being a factor to remit penalties.

ATO partially softens its view on non-arm’s length expenditure

ATO partially softens its view on non-arm’s length expenditure

After seeking advice from an independent advice panel, the ATO has released its finalised Law Companion Ruling setting out the ATO view on the non-arm’s length expenditure (NALE) amendments to section 295-550 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA97), LCR 2021/2. In addition, the ATO has amended its contribution tax ruling TR 2010/1. The final LCR and amendments to TR 2010/1 partially soften the ATO views on the application of NALE.

Faster Tax Write Offs For Intangible Depreciating Assets – Should You Self Assess?

Faster Tax Write Offs For Intangible Depreciating Assets – Should You Self Assess?

After 30 June each year taxpayer’s minds often turn to which expenses incurred during the year can be deducted. For taxpayers who have invested in intangible depreciating assets, announcements made as part of the Federal Budget announcements in May 2021 may come to mind.

Sladen Snippet – SMSFs can have 6 members from 1 July 2021

Sladen Snippet – SMSFs can have 6 members from 1 July 2021

The Bill which increases the maximum allowable number of members in an SMSF to six (the current maximum is four members) has passed both houses of Parliament and is now law. From 1 July 2021, SMSFs can now have anywhere between one to six members.

Capital gains, Discretionary Trusts and Foreign Residents: round 3 to the ATO

Capital gains, Discretionary Trusts and Foreign Residents: round 3 to the ATO

We wrote here and here about the Greensill (Thawley J) and Martin (Steward J) Federal Court decisions. In those decisions the Federal Court found in favour of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) that section 855-10 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997) did not disregard a non-taxable Australian property capital gain distributed to a foreign resident beneficiary of an Australian discretionary trust.

Sladen snippet - music teacher found to be employee for super guarantee purposes

Sladen snippet - music teacher found to be employee for super guarantee purposes

In the recent decision of Olias Pty Ltd as trustee for the Storer Family Trust and Commissioner of Taxation, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) found that a “contract” music teacher fell within the ordinary definition of ‘employee’, and was therefore an employee for the purposes of the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth) (SG Act).

McCarthy: sale of two-lot development taxed as ordinary income

McCarthy: sale of two-lot development taxed as ordinary income

A recent Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) decision re-emphasizes that taxpayers who purchase, subdivide, and sell land within a short timeframe may have entered into an isolated profit-making transaction, with any gains assessed on revenue account.

TD 2021/5: ATO guidance on receiver’s obligation to retain money for post-appointment tax liabilities

TD 2021/5: ATO guidance on receiver’s obligation to retain money for post-appointment tax liabilities

Section 254 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 sets out the obligations, liabilities and rights of agents and trustees. An agent or trustee is answerable as taxpayer for things required to be done by the tax Acts in respect of income, or any profits or gains of a capital nature, derived by the agent or trustee in his/her representative capacity or derived by the principal by virtue of the agency.

Cryptocurrency Update: What are the Tax Implications of Staking Rewards and Airdrops?

Cryptocurrency Update: What are the Tax Implications of Staking Rewards and Airdrops?

As the public and Australian Taxation Office’s (ATO) interest in cryptocurrency continues to increase further guidance has been released by the ATO in relation to the tax treatment of staking rewards and airdrops.

Employee Share Schemes - Budget changes should boost participation

Employee Share Schemes - Budget changes should boost participation

Attracting and retaining high performing employees can be key to ensuring the long-term success and growth of a business – a significant challenge for many Australian businesses navigating through COVID-19. Implementing an employee share scheme (ESS) or incentive plan can be an effective means by which businesses can attract, motivate, and retain valued employees.