Thomas Howell

SCAM ALERT: Unsolicited Emails from Trademark/ Patents Registry Hub – Talk to your trusted professionals first

SCAM ALERT: Unsolicited Emails from Trademark/ Patents Registry Hub – Talk to your trusted professionals first

Scam emails from senders purporting to be Trade Mark Attorneys from “Trademark Registry Hub” or “Patents Registry Hub” are currently circulating with a number of our client’s reportedly receiving the same communication. These emails can be concerning and convincing. Here’s what to do.

Katy Perry wins out against Australian clothing designer Katie Perry in trade mark dispute

Katy Perry wins out against Australian clothing designer Katie Perry in trade mark dispute

“This case is an unfortunate one in the sense that two enterprising women in different countries each adopted their name as a trade mark at a time that each was unaware of the existence of the other.”

A Burger with the Lot – ‘Big Jack’ is not deceptively similar to ‘Big Mac’

A Burger with the Lot – ‘Big Jack’ is not deceptively similar to ‘Big Mac’

On Thursday 16 November 2023, the Federal Court handed down the decision McD Asia Pacific LLC v Hungry Jack’s Pty Ltd [2023] FCA 1412 (McD) where it was held the trade mark ‘BIG JACK’ and ‘MEGA JACK’ were not deceptively similar to McDonald’s registered trade marks ‘BIG MAC’ and ‘MEGA MAC’.