Penalties — Pioneering thought — Sladen Legal


Tribunal upholds penalties for an SMSF’s breach of the borrowing restrictions

Tribunal upholds penalties for an SMSF’s breach of the borrowing restrictions

In the recent decision of FYYB v FC of T 2021 ATC 10-592; [2021] AATA 3567, 5 October 2021, the Australian Administrative Tribunal (AAT) affirmed the Commissioner of Taxation’s (Commissioner) decision to disallow an objection by the taxpayer to an administrative penalty of $7,500 imposed on a self managed superannuation fund (Fund) under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth) (SIS Act).

Sladen Snippet - ATO releases PSLA in relation to when it will remit super guarantee penalties once the amnesty period ends

Sladen Snippet - ATO releases PSLA in relation to when it will remit super guarantee penalties once the amnesty period ends

In anticipation of the conclusion of the superannuation guarantee (SG) amnesty (discussed here) on 7 September 2020, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has released a draft Law Administration Practice Statement PS LA 2020/D1 (PSLA 2020/D1) in relation to how, post amnesty, the ATO officers may exercise their discretion to remit Part 7 penalties.