Help minimise HR risk / exposure to your business and your directors personally by taking advantage of our upcoming full day performance and conduct management workshop.
Placed are limited.
COST: $395.00
(Includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea)
RSVP no later than Friday, 3 May 2024
Event Information
The workshop will focus on minimising business risks that arise from managing employee behaviour and performance and will conducted by:
Jasmine O’Brien
This interactive training session will include:
coaching about how to have performance and conduct management discussions;
distinctions between performance and conduct;
strategies to have difficult conversations;
managing employee performance and conduct in a post-Covid/remote working world
how to complete a performance improvement plan;
conducting a workplace investigation;
how to structure / organise a serious meeting (i.e. where / how / when);
completing a file note; and
alternatives to termination when the employment relationship is not going well.
The training includes mini-lectures, coaching, interactive activities and role plays. Attendees will also be provided with high quality take home materials to supplement what they have learnt. These materials will include template documents and are designed to be an ongoing resource to the business in the future.
These materials are important because they give the training relevance beyond just the day we spend together. In many ways the training is only as useful as the ability of the attendees to implement what they have learnt after the training.
Attendees will leave the course with an ability to:
recognise the importance of coaching and counselling before a formal disciplinary process is needed;
understand what constitutes reasonable management action in the context of performance and conduct management;
know how to respond if an employee alleges they are being bullied during the performance management / conduct management process;
identify the risks when managing performance and conduct issues; including unfair dismissal and general protections;
implement disciplinary outcomes; and
make and keep effective records.