The Pathway To IP Commercialisation: Trade Secrets And Ownership Explored
The Pathway To IP Commercialisation: Trade Secrets And Ownership Explored
Intellectual property (IP) is the result of a person or business’ intellectual or creative endeavor which produces something new and original, and can subsist in works including inventions, products, designs, branding, publications, specifications as well as trade secrets and confidential information.
Often, the immediate goal for creators and innovators is to commercialise their intellectual property (IP) for a licence fee, royalty or sale price to recover the cost of development at a minimum. However, the commercialisation of IP assets can lead to multiple and sustainable revenue streams. To support this return, IP owners need to maintain control over the commercialisation including by:
knowing when to keep a secret;
reconciling ownership in developments and improvements;
ensuring exclusive rights exist to adapt, modify, re-configure and potentially register the IP; and
establishing controls through written agreements or contracts.
In this session, we will explore the ways in which IP owners (including creators and innovators) can ensure their rights are being captured and leveraged effectively from an IP perspective.