Sladen snippet - Legislative Instrument permits LRBA borrowings by the bare trustee
As previously discussed here, the ATO has now finalized the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) In-house Asset Determination — Intermediary Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangement Determination 2020 (Determination).
Sladen Snippet: legislation introduced to increase the age at which work test applies from 65 to 67
As part of the 2019-20 Budget and as previous discussed here, the Australian Government announced that Australians over age 65 would have greater flexibility in making voluntary concessional and non-concessional superannuation contributions from 1 July 2020.
COVID-19: JobKeeper – further details on Alternative Decline in turnover test
As part of the continued economic response to COVID-19, the Deputy Commissioner of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has recently made a determination pursuant to subsection 20(4) of the Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Payments and Benefits) Act 2020, outlining further tests under which an entity may satisfy the decline in turnover required in order to receive JobKeeper payments. This article discusses the various new “alternative” tests that an entity may utilise under the determination.
COVID-19: “JobKeeper is Go” - legislation passed
COVID-19 – more superannuation measures from the ATO – LRBAs and SMSF residency
COVID-19: The ATO announces further superannuation measures
Further to the COVID-19 superannuation measures that we discussed here, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), on 3 April 2020, announced further details around, and new measures concerning, COVID-19 and superannuation.
Government and ATO COVID-19 superannuation measures
Sladen snippet – extension of the work test and bring forward rule – draft legislation released
As announced in 2019/20 budget, the Government has released draft legislation and draft regulations to extend the work test start date to age 67 and to allow the use of bring forward contributions for persons aged 65 and 66.
SMSF and Asset Protection from Creditor Claims
Sladen snippet – super guarantee amnesty to become law
After being in limbo for a number of years, the bill to introduce the super guarantee amnesty has now passed both houses of parliament and awaits Royal Assent.
Sladen snippet – proposed legislative instrument to permit LRBA borrowings by the bare trustee
The ATO has released a draft legislative instrument and explanatory statement that would permit a holding trustee/bare trustee to borrow under a limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA).
Reg 13.22C unit trusts – opportunity or burden?
Sladen Snippet - can mistakes in trust deeds be rectified?
Resolving and avoiding internal disputes in SMSFs
Super Death Benefits and Conflicts of Interest – The Latest Battleground
Sladen Snippet – the super guarantee amnesty is back – maybe?
The government’s previously announced amnesty for unpaid superannuation guarantee payments, which lapsed will the calling of the previous election, has been reintroduced into parliament in the in the Treasury Laws Amendment (Recovering Unpaid Superannuation) Bill 2019.
Sladen Legal launches interactive, tailored professional development tool, Sladen Learning.
Sladen Legal have launched Sladen Learning, an online professional development platform delivering interactive, specialist courses to professionals Australia wide. Developed by the team of lawyers at Sladen Legal, Sladen Learning combines information, resources and activities to deliver engaging and educational short courses.